Knowing Your Market and Products

8 Days Business & Management Course Credit : 1
Short Courses Language of Delivery : English
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  • 1 - Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand
    Making marketing decisions in a fast-changing world is both an art and a science. To provide context, insight, and inspiration for marketing decision making, companies must possess comprehensive, up-to-date information about macro trends, as well as about micro effects particular to their business.

    Topic Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, students will be able to answer these following questions

    1. What are the components of a modern marketing information system?

    2. What are useful internal records for such a system?

    3. What makes up the marketing intelligence system?

    4. What are some influential macro-environment developments?

    5. How can companies accurately measure and forecast demand?

  • 2 - Conducting Market Research
    Good marketers need insights to help them interpret past performance as well as plan future activities. To make the best possible tactical decisions in the short run and strategic decisions, in the long run, they need timely, accurate and actionable information about consumers, competition and their brands. Discovering a consumer insight and understanding its marketing implications can often lead to a successful product launch or spur the growth of a brand.

    Topic Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, students will be able to answer these following questions

    1. What constitutes good marketing research?

    2. What are the best metrics for measuring marketing productivity?

    3. How can marketers assess their return on investment of marketing expenditures?

  • 3 - Market Segment and Targets
    Companies cannot connect with all customers in large, broad or diverse markets. But they can divide suck markets into groups of consumers or segments with distinct needs and wants. A company needs to identify which market segments it can serve effectively. This decision requires a keen understanding of consumer behavior and careful strategic thinking. To develop the best marketing plans, managers need to understand what makes each segment unique and different. Identifying and satisfying the right market segments is often key to marketing success. This chapter will focus on identifying and profiling distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and wants (market segmentation) and selecting one or more market segments to enter (market targeting).

    Topic Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, students should be able to answer these following questions

    1. What are the different levels of market segmentation?

    2. In what ways can a company divide a market into segments?

    3. What are the requirements for effective segmentation?

    4. How should business markets be segmented?

    5. How should a company choose the most attractive target markets?

  • 4 - Building Strong Brands
    As the success of method products demonstrates, a company can reap the benefits of carving out a unique position in the marketplace. Creating a compelling, well-differentiated brand position requires a keen understanding of consumer needs and wants, company capabilities and competitive actions. It also requires disciplined but creative thinking. This topic will allow students to understand the process by which marketers can uncover the most powerful brand positioning.

    Topic Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, students will be able to answer these following questions

    1. How can a firm develop and establish effective positioning in the market?

    2. How do marketers identify and analyse competition?

    3. How are brands successfully differentiated?

    4. What are the differences in positioning and branding with a small business?


The focus of marketing is on the consumer of goods and services. Key questions you need to ask include: Who is the consumer of goods and services? What does the consumer need? What does the consumer want? A successful marketing strategy is dependent on effective market research taking the product life-cycle into account. This course covers the basics of effective market research.




Companies cannot connect with all customers in large, broad or diverse markets. But they can divide suck markets into groups of consumers or segments with distinct needs and wants. A company needs to identify which market segments it can serve effectively. This decision requires a keen understanding of consumer behavior and careful strategic thinking. To develop the best marketing plans, managers need to understand what makes each segment unique and different. Identifying and satisfying the right market segments is often key to marketing success. 


This course will focus on identifying and profiling distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and wants (market segmentation) and selecting one or more market segments to enter (market targeting).


Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to acquire knowledge and skills to analyse and synthesis information and derive insights related to marketing management from several perspectives.


How to Pass

Complete the learning and get at least 50% marks for assessment provided at the end of the course. 

1 - Students should be able to acquire knowledge and skills to analyse and synthesis information and derive insights related to marketing management from several perspectives.

Ms. Izam Zuliana Yahya

Designation : Lecturer


  •  Masters in Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia, 2015
  • Bachelor of Accountancy, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia, 1999


About the Instructor

  • Lecturer, School of Management (SOM), AeU
  • Program Coordinator (MBA), AeU
  • Assistant Manager for SOM and Account & Finance Dept., AeU
  • Program Coordinator (APEL Q - MBA)
  • 18 years experience in industry in the field of accountancy and auditing
  • 7 years experience in academia/education at private universities and higher education institutions
  • Member, Malaysian Institute of Accountant (MIA)

You are required to complete all the learning activities provided in this course. Assessments are given to evaluate your achievement of the Course Learning Outcomes. You are able to download a Certificate of Achievement/Certificate of Completion upon completion of all requisite learning materials and passing the prescribed assessments.
  • 1 - Certificate of Completion

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings 
    • Course learning activities

What’s included

  • 4 Topics
  • Certificate
  • 1 Learning Outcomes
  • Instructor-Led
  • 8 Days Duration