
4 Weeks Computer & Technology Course Credit : 3
Micro-Credentials Language of Delivery : English
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  • 1 - Introduction to Cryptography
    In this topic, students are introduced to history of cryptography. This also tries to explain the main concepts of cryptography. In addition, this highlights the substitution and transposition ciphers.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Define Cryptography and its evolution.
    2. Define the basic concepts of Cryptography.
    3. Explain the structure of Cryptography.
    4. Differentiate between substitution Cipher and Transposition Cipher
  • 2 - Information Protection Requirements and Environment
    In this topic, students can understand the meaning of confidentiality, integrity, and availability in cryptography. This topic also tries to explain the cryptanalysis and tasks of cryptanalysis.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Describe Confidentiality, Integrity and availability.
    2. Explain the application of Cryptography.
    3. Identify the types of cryptanalytic attacks
  • 3 - Security Technology and Tools
    This topic introduces the students to "Key" and "Algorithm" in cryptography. This topic also tries to explain the substitution, transposition and polyalphabetic cipher concepts in cryptography. In addition, this topic highlights the symmetric and asymmetric algorithms.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Describe the key term in encryption.
    2. Differentiate between Symmetric key cryptography and Asymmetric key cryptography.
    3. Explain the concept of message integrity control
  • 4 - Cipher Systems
    In this topic, students are introduced to stream and block cipher then study on symmetric and public-key ciphers deeply. This topic also tries to explain the threats and attacks especially active and passive attacks concepts of cryptography. In addition, this topic highlights the linear cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Describe the stream cipher and block cipher.
    2. Describe the cipher text only attacks.
    3. Explain the known plaintext, chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext attacks..
    4. Differentiate linear cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalaysis
  • 5 - Stream Cipher
    In this topic, students are introduced to stream cipher. This topic also tries to explain the RC4 and the One-Time pad structure. In addition, this topic highlights the Pseudo-Random key stream properties and generator.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Describe a stream cipher.
    2. Explain the RC4 structure as a stream cipher sample.
    3. Explain the one-time pad.
    4. Explain pseudorandom key stream properties.
    5. Describe the structure of a pseudorandom key stream generator
  • 6 - Block Ciphers
    In this topic, students are introduced to block cipher. This topic also tries to explain the DES and 3DES structure. In addition, this topic highlights the concepts of ECB (Electronic Code Book), CFB (Cipher Feedback) and CBC (Cipher Block Chaining).

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain the structure of a block cipher.
    2. Describe the structure of DES and triple DES.
    3. Distinguish confusion from diffusio.
    4. Describe the substitution cipher.
    5. Explain permutation/transposition ciphers.
    6. Explain the three modes of operations
  • 7 - Public Key Ciphers
    In this topic, students are introduced to public-key cipher. This topic also tries to explain the difference between Block Cipher and Public Key and expose the Diffie-Hellman and one-way functions algorithm. In addition, this topic highlights the trap door and backdoors.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain the structure of a block cipher.
    2. Describe the structure of DES and triple DES.
    3. Distinguish confusion from diffusion.
    4. Describe the substitution cipher.
    5. Explain permutation/transposition ciphers.
    6. Explain the three modes of operations
  • 8 - Management in Cryptographic System, Information Protection and Services
    This topic highlights the major concepts of key in cryptography such as "key management", "key generation", "key Generation", "key distribution", "key installation", "key storage" and "key change, control and disposal".

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain key management functions.
    2. Describe key generation function.
    3. Explain key distribution function.
    4. Describe key installation function.
    5. Explain key storage and backup.
    6. Describe key change, control and disposal functions.
    7. Explain modern key management.
    8. Describe about good key management.
    9. Describe principles of key management
  • 9 - Authentication and Identification, Ancient and Modern Cryptographic Methods
    In this topic, students are introduced to properties of protocols. This topic also tries to explain concept of message authentication code (MAC). In addition, this topic highlights the history of ancient and modern cryptography methods.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain protocols in authentication.
    2. Explain properties of protocols.
    3. Explain challenge and response in authentication.
    4. Explain message authentication code (MAC).
    5. Identify the structure of modern Cryptography
  • 10 - Assurance, Trust and Confidence Mechanism
    In this topic, students are introduced to public and private key structure (PKI). This topic also tries to explain concept of digital signature standard (DSS). In addition, this topic highlights the certification and its authorities.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain public and private key infrastructure.
    2. Describe digital signatures.
    3. Explain the use of arbiters in assurance and trust mechanisms.
    4. Explain Digital Signature Standard (DSS).
    5. Describe certifications.
    6. Explain the certification authorities

About this Course

Written by fellow Instructor, this course gives you an exposure about security mechanism where messages can be transformed (the cipher text) without exposing the information it represents. You also will learn to appreciate the significance of cryptography as a mean of securing information in the modern world. Contact our Instructor with any learning questions.


Course Synopsis

This course provides the background for the application and implementation of security mechanisms covered in the other courses. It deals with both theoretical and practical aspects of cryptography, to give an insight to the problems that arise in cryptography and the tools used to solve them. It introduces both symmetric key cipher systems and public key cryptography, covering methods of obtaining the objectives of CIA (confidentiality, integrity and availability).


Transferable Skills

  1. Knowledge & Understanding
  2. Practical Skills
  3. Numeracy Skills
  4. Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility


How it Works

Through videos and easy-to-understand text lessons, this course will provide you with best learning experience and cover specific topics as you work on through your own learning. Each lesson and its corresponding activities can also be accessed on any mobile device, at any time.

This course includes:

  • A topic sequence and assessment for this course can be accessed on any device, at any time within the learning duration.
  • Self Reflection and Self Assessment on each topic enabling you to check on your understanding of the course before moving further into it. 
  • A final exam allowing you to test your comprehension. 


How to Pass

You have to complete all the learning activities and assignments, and sit for the online final examination.  Assessments will be given to evaluate whether you have achieved the Course Learning Outcomes. You are able to download with a Certificate of Completion upon finishing all the learning materials. Certificate of Achievement is also available to be download upon passing all the assessments. The examination will be conducted at a scheduled time and date.


Credit Earn

Earning and transferring credit to the Bachelor of ICT under School of Science and Technology at AeU.

*Applicants must fulfill the standard entry requirements and course credit transfer eligibility criteria for each programmes.

1 - Identify the method of attacks in real world situations and propose the solution based on cryptography knowledge in the field of ICT management.
2 - Formulate appropriate approach or method based on cryptographic theories, principles and modern techniques in solving real world security problems.
3 - Produce high technology, classical security practice and common sense ideas and solutions in solving real world security problems for the benefit of organizations and society.

Ts. Dr. Amna Saad

Designation : Academic Facilitator


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (Computer Science), Loughborough University, UK
  • Master of Science (Computer Science),UKM, Malaysia
  • Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (Hons.), Loughborough University, UK

About the Instructor

  • Dr. Amna Saad is an established teacher and researcher in computer science and networking. Her research interests include expert system, big data and cloud computing, network performances, real time and embedded systems, Security and E-learning and cloud education. Dr. Amna is a certified Cisco Networking Academy Instructor. She taught courses like Voice Over IP, Multilayer Switching, Remote Access Network and CCNA. She also taught Research Methodology course for undergraduate students.  
  • She worked as an Application Development Manager, Value Added Network Services, Enterprise Network Solutions, COINS, Telekom Malaysia (TM) Berhad, before she joined Universiti Kuala Lumpur in 2003. "

You are required to complete all the learning activities provided in this course. Assessments are given to evaluate your achievement of the Course Learning Outcomes. You are able to download a Certificate of Achievement/Certificate of Completion upon completion of all requisite learning materials and passing the prescribed assessments.
  • 1 - Certificate of Achievement

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings
    • Formal course assessment- Multiple Choice Questions/Self assessment 
  • 2 - Certificate of Completion

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings 
    • Course learning activities
  • 3 - Malaysian Microcredential Statement (MMS)
    • Malaysian Microcredential Statement (MMS)

What’s included

  • 10 Topics
  • Certificate
  • 3 Learning Outcomes
  • Instructor-Led
  • 4 Weeks Duration