Fundamental Concept of ICT

4 Weeks Computer & Technology Course Credit : 3
Micro-Credentials Language of Delivery : English
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  • 1 - Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
    This topic discusses how the importance of ICT in our daily lives. ICT has great impact in the way we conduct our daily routines especially with the explosive growth of the computer and the Internet. Computers are being used extensively in every area like health, education and agriculture. Computing skills are needed to everyone to succeed in life and in work.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To describe the five parts of a computer based information system.
    2. To explain the different types of computers.
    3. To describe the information processing cycle.
    4. To discuss the characteristics and advantages of using computers.
    5. To recognize the examples of computer use
  • 2 - Application Software
    Hardware alone is not sufficient to make a computer work. Computers need software to help them in terms of turning data into information. Application software is one type of softwares that will be covered in this topic. It is a software that users use to solve a particular problem or to perform a specific task.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To identify the most popular types of general-purpose applications.
    2. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standalone programs, integrated programs and software suites.
    3. To explain the concept of software versions and software upgrades.
    4. To distinguish how commercial software, shareware, freeware and public domain software differ
  • 3 - System Software
    System software is not a single program but is a collection of programs that handle hundreds of technical details. System software consists of programs designed to perform tasks asso­ciated with directly controlling and utilizing computer hardware. This topics gives an introduction to the system software especially with Operating System, Utilities programs and device drivers.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To describe what is system software.
    2. To explain the meaning of an operating system.
    3. To describe the functions and categories of operating systems.
    4. To explain the meaning of utilities software.
    5. To discover the essential utilities programs in a computer system.
    6. To describe what a device driver is and how it works
  • 4 - The System Unit
    The computer system unit is the main part of a computer. It includes the chassis, microprocessor, main memory, bus, and ports, but does not include the keyboard, monitor, or any peripheral devices. It discusses the components in the system unit, describes how memory stores data, instructions, and information and discussed the sequence of operations that occur when a computer executes an instruction.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To define the importance of system unit.
    2. To determine system unit components.
    3. To describe the process of machine cycle.
    4. To explain the data representation in computer.
    5. To discuss the process on how program instructions transfer in and out of memory
  • 5 - Input and Output
    Input and output equipment enables people to communicate with computers. This topic gives an introduction to the Input, Output and combination of input and output devices. It provides a detailed listing of the various types of input and output devices, the format of data that to be processed and also the output types that most user need.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To identify the hardware components of a computer; are they designed primarily for inputting data or outputting results to the user.
    2. To discuss the input process from basic devices to pointing devices and its operations.
    3. To identify the output devices whether for hardcopy or softcopy.
    4. To describe the devices that operate as input and output device.
    5. To determine the multimedia devices
  • 6 - Secondary Storage
    This topic discusses the secondary storage or “auxiliary storage”. There are various ways of computer system to store software and data. It covers types of storage medias and devices. With a storage device, it is capable of retaining data even when electrical power is switched off. In other words, storage devices are various devices that enable the disks to operate.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To distinguish between memory and storage.
    2. To discuss how storage media and devices are categorized.
    3. To identify factors that affect hard disk performance.
    4. To explain how data is stored on hard disks and floppy disk.
    5. To compare the various optical storage media and devices available for personal computers.
    6. To distinguish between Blu ray and HD DVD technology
  • 7 - Connectivity The Wireless Revolution and Communication
    Communication is a part of a computer system. All the computers in the world are connected either via internet, intranet or extranet. The communication among the computers can be with wire or wireless; but users prefer wireless. This topic covers in detail of the computer communication.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To define the difference of wired and wireless communications.
    2. To determine the physical and wireless communications channel.
    3. To identify various connection involve for wired and wireless communication.
    4. To explain the bandwidth, issue related to data transmission and protocols in computer networks.
    5. To identify the network architecture configuration and strategies.
    6. To determine the various categories of area network computer networking
  • 8 - The Internet & the World Wide Web
    This topic covers how the internet changes people’s life and working environment especially when it involves information. People access the Internet by way of public or private ISPs which they access using different types of connections like DSL, cable modem and satellite. Web browsers are programs that were used to display Web pages and can be searched using search engines.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To explain how the Internet works.
    2. To explain how to access the Internet.
    3. To describe the role of Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
    4. To differentiate between the Internet and the Web.
    5. To explain how to find information on the Web.
    6. To describe internet services
  • 9 - Multimedia
    This topic has given an introduction to Multimedia, which includes its meaning, the needs of multimedia, types of multimedia devices and also hardware plus software multimedia. The concepts of multimedia are also introduce with the application of multimedia system. From this topic, it is hope that students will understand and know how multimedia plays an important role in life now.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To define multimedia.
    2. To identify the concept of multimedia.
    3. To expose to multimedia features and types of media.
    4. To recognize the Multimedia technology
  • 10 - Privacy, Security, Ergonomics and the Environment
    This topic explores how being online can threaten the privacy, personal safety and computer system. It also guides how to protect oneself from online threats that exists in the form of computer viruses, rogue programs, time bombs, worms as well as from fraud and theft.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To discuss how technological developments are eroding privacy and anonymity.
    2. To describe important security terms.
    3. To identify the types of computer crimes and cybercrime.
    4. To recognize the computer system security risks.
    5. To discuss the importance of computer ergonomics.
    6. To explain how to protect the computer and themselves
  • 11 - Database
    This topic covers on database starting from defining the terms to the architecture of database and Database Management System (DBMS). A database is a collection of information organized by Database Management System (DBMS) so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, database usually refers to data organized and stored on a computer that can be searched and retrieved by a computer program.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To define the database and Database Management System (DBMS).
    2. To explain the concepts in database, starting from design aspects whether logical or physical design, to implementation.
    3. To explore the several tasks that a DBMS enables user to do
  • 12 - Information Systems (IS)
    This topic discusses about information system, types of information system and the important of information system. TPS, MIS, DSS, EIS and ES are types of common Information system and they are played based on level of users in management organization and this information system tries to help user to achieve goals with minimise errors.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To define the term and functionality of information system.
    2. To discuss the purpose of each major type of information system.
    3. To explore the technologies for storing and managing data
  • 13 - System Analysis And Design
    This topic discusses the development of system. Using the structured process known as “SAD”, it gives more advantages to user to employ in development of business information systems.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To familiarize the environment that are needed in system development.
    2. To identify the methodologies in system development.
    3. To discuss the Information in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
    4. To explore others methodologies in system development
  • 14 - Programming Languages
    Programming is a way of creating a set of instructions for the computer. Programmers use a programming language to create source code, then they convert the source code into machine code for the computer.The topic discusses the programming languages that people or programmer use to develop system. It also explains scripting languages and software development life.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. To identify the different categories of programming languages.
    2. To describe the different generations of programming languages.
    3. To discuss at least five major programming languages.
    4. To explain the visual programming environment and how it is used

About this Course

Written by fellow Instructor, this course guides you through the steps and details of ICT. The engaging video lessons cover topics ranging from a general introduction of ICT and more. Contact our Instructor with any learning questions.


Course Synopsis

This course provides students with a broader knowledge background on ICT and deeper understanding of problems and solutions in developing ICT strategies and systems for business organisations and society. Topics designed aim to assist students with a concrete knowledge foundation in ICT and supporting technologies as well as to demonstrate to students the applicability of ICT in daily activities.


How it Works

Through videos and easy-to-understand text lessons, this course will provide you with both an overview of ICT and cover specific topics you may encounter as you work on through your own learning. Each lesson and its corresponding activities can also be accessed on any mobile device, at any time.


This course includes:

  • A topic sequence and assessment for this course can be accessed on any device, at any time within the learning duration.
  • Self Reflection and Self Assessment on each topic enabling you to check on your understanding of the course before moving further into it. 
  • A final exam allowing you to test your comprehension. 


How to Pass

You have to complete all the learning activities and assignments, and sit for the online final examination.  Assessments will be given to evaluate whether you have achieved the Course Learning Outcomes. You are able to download with a Certificate of Completion upon finishing all the learning materials. Certificate of Achievement is also available to be download upon passing all the assessments. The examination will be conducted at a scheduled time and date.



Credit Earn

Earning and transferring credit to the Bachelor of ICT under School of Science and Technology at AeU.

*Applicants must fulfill the standard entry requirements and course credit transfer eligibility criteria for each programmes.

1 - To comprehend the concept, components and processing of computer, communication, security and ethics in the industry.
2 - To identify the use of current business software for various application in the industry.
3 - To discover the current issues in computer, communication technologies and security in the industry.

Assoc. Prof. Rosnah Amal Wan Abdul Razak

Designation : Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology, AeU


  • Master in IT, UiTM, Malaysia, 2002
  • Bachelor in Computer Science (Hons), USM, Malaysia, 1993

About the Instructor

  • Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology (SST), AeU
  • Programme Coordinator (BICT)
  • 25 years experience as academics/educator at private university, colleges and educational institutions
  • 2 years experience as IT practitioner in industry

You are required to complete all the learning activities provided in this course. Assessments are given to evaluate your achievement of the Course Learning Outcomes. You are able to download a Certificate of Achievement/Certificate of Completion upon completion of all requisite learning materials and passing the prescribed assessments.
  • 1 - Certificate of Achievement

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings
    • Formal course assessment- Multiple Choice Questions/Self assessment 
  • 2 - Certificate of Completion

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings 
    • Course learning activities
  • 3 - Malaysian Microcredential Statement (MMS)
    • Malaysian Microcredential Statement (MMS)

What’s included

  • 14 Topics
  • Certificate
  • 3 Learning Outcomes
  • Instructor-Led
  • 4 Weeks Duration