ICT Project Management

4 Weeks Computer & Technology Course Credit : 3
Micro-Credentials Language of Delivery : English
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  • 1 - Key Concepts in ICT Project Management
    This topic focuses on the management of ICT projects. Project Managers need to be concerned about all aspects of project planning and implementation, including goal setting, organization, resource and cost management, and handing over the project outputs and deliverables to the project owners. ICT projects need to be aligned with these goals and mandates.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Present an overview of project management within the information and communication technology for development (ICTD) framework Explain the representation of data in a computer.
    2. Define key concepts in ICT project management, including the knowledge areas, basic project phases and processes, and important elements and variables of managing ICT projects.
  • 2 - ICT Project Management, Human Resource and Stakeholder Participation
    This topic discusses the importance of people; both the project personnel and stakeholders in ICT project management. Projects are brought into fruition through human activity from the project conception to its completion. The bearers of the project intentions and results are people who work for the project, as well as the project stakeholders.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Discuss the importance of project personnel and stakeholders in ICT project management.
    2. Identify the roles and functions of project team members in ICT project management.
  • 3 - ICT Project Management, Human Resource and Stakeholder Participation
    This topic discusses the importance of people; both the project personnel and stakeholders in ICT project management. Projects are brought into fruition through human activity from the project conception to its completion. The bearers of the project intentions and results are people who work for the project, as well as the project stakeholders.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Discuss the importance of project personnel and stakeholders in ICT project management.
    2. Identify the roles and functions of project team members in ICT project management.
  • 4 - Project Initiation, Planning and Scope Definition: Discipline, Issues and Practices
    This topic focuses the importance of the project initiation, stages that need to be identified, the feasibility studied are needed and the role of project plan and deliverables. All projects need to be justified. There must be a good rationale for pursuing a project. This rationale is the business case for the project. Technically speaking, a business case is a document that justifies an intervention or initiative as a means of addressing an issue or correcting a problem.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Identify the stages of initiation phase in project management.
    2. Explain the needs of feasibility studies in project management.
    3. Identify the role of project plan and deliverables.
  • 5 - Project Implementation and Control : Discipline, Issues and Practices
    It covers the concepts, issues and practices during the project implementation process, which includes project monitoring and control. The approval of the Project Management Plan is the signal that project implementation has begun. This is normally the longest phase of the project. It is when the deliverables are physically built. To ensure that requirements are met, the project manager must monitor and control the production of each deliverable by executing the appropriate monitoring and control processes.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain the methods applied in time management.
    2. Explain the steps involved in acceptance management.
    3. Differentiate between tangible and intangible cost items.
    4. Identify the two levels of change management.
    5. Explain the strategies used in communication planning.
    6. Identify the possible risks that might occur during project management.
    7. Describe the process involved in procurement management
  • 6 - Project Control and Monitoring : Discipline, Issues and Practices
    This topic describes the project control and monitoring concepts, issues and practices. Monitoring is the systematic and continuous collection, analysis and use of management information to support effective decision-making. There are multiple levels of monitoring. At the activity level, the project team must keep track of how the project is progressing in terms of expenditure, resource use, implementation of activities, delivery of results and management of risks.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Explain the areas that the monitoring system should cover.
    2. Describe the importance of reporting progress.
    3. Identify the types of reporting
  • 7 - Project Closure : Discipline, Issues and Practices
    This topic focusses project closure concepts, issues and processes. Project closure involves finalizing all project activities that have been completed. It includes establishing procedures to coordinate verification and documentation of project deliverables, formalize the acceptance of project deliverables, and document reasons for actions taken if an activity is terminated before completion.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Describe the activities involved in project closure.
    2. Compile the lessons learned from the technical, managerial and process aspects of the project.
    3. Analyze the focus that should be given in each evaluation activities
  • 8 - Post-Project Activities : Putting ICT Systems into Operation and Issues of Sustainability
    This topic discusses the need to ensure that project products or outcomes are integrated into regular operations and sustained. A project ends when the project closure and product handover are undertaken. However, the results of the project, specifically the product that the project has borne, will take on a new life in the user (client or customer) environment. The processes undertaken to ensure the usability and effectiveness of the product in that context will determine the product’s future life.

    Topic Outcomes

    1. Study the needs to ensure that project products or outcomes are integrated into regular operations and sustained.
    2. Analyze the importance of the policy support to ensure the development of e-governance and ICTD projects.
    3. Identify the project sponsor role in supporting the development and maintenance of the product or system

About this Course

Written by fellow teachers, this course guides you through the steps and details ICT project management. The engaging interactive lessons cover topics ranging from a general introduction of ICT project management and more. Contact our Instructor with any learning questions.


Course Synopsis

This course provides an introduction to basic project management concepts that are relevant in managing projects. It introduces methods, processes and project management disciplines commonly used by development and ICT service management practitioners.


Transferable Skills

  1. Interpersonal skills
  2. Leadership, autonomy and responsibility
  3. Communication skills
  4. Ethics and professionalism


How it Works

Through interactive easy-to-understand text lessons, this course will provide you with an overview of managing ICT projects and cover specific topics you may encounter as you work on through your own curriculum. Each lesson and its corresponding activities can also be accessed on any mobile device, at any time.


This course includes:

  • A topic sequence and assessment for this course can be accessed on any device, at any time within the learning duration.
  • Self Reflection and Self Assessment on each topic enabling you to check on your understanding of the course before moving further into it. 
  • A final exam allowing you to test your comprehension. 


How to Pass

You have to complete all the learning activities and assignments, and sit for the online final examination.  Assessments will be given to evaluate whether you have achieved the Course Learning Outcomes. You  are able to download with a Certificate of Completion upon finishing all the learning materials. Certificate of Achievement is also available to be download upon passing all the assessments. The examination will be conducted at a scheduled time and date.


Credit Earn

Earning and transferring credit to the Bachelor of ICT under School of Science and Technology at AeU.

*Applicants must fulfill the standard entry requirements and course credit transfer eligibility criteria for each programmes.

1 - Identify real world problems that are solvable using computer programming technique. Communicate the knowledge concept of project management in managing ICT projects and strategy to effectively organizing it.
2 - Explain IT projects through the entire phases of project life cycle in solving real world problems.
3 - Express comprehensive ideas using problem solving skills in project management to solve problem on issues and challenges in ICT.

Ts. Fazilah Che Fauzi

Designation : Senior Lecturer, SST, AeU


  • Master Science in Information Technology, UiTM, Malaysia
  • Bachelor Science (Hons) in Information Technology, UiTM, Malaysia
  • Diploma in Computer Science, UiTM, Malaysia

About the Instructor

  • Senior Lecturer, School of Science and Technology (SST), AeU
  • Programme Coordinator (MICTM)
  • APEL Manager, APEL Unit, AeU
  • 15 years experience as IT practitioner in industry
  • Member of Malaysia Board of Technology (MBOT)

You are required to complete all the learning activities provided in this course. Assessments are given to evaluate your achievement of the Course Learning Outcomes. You are able to download a Certificate of Achievement/Certificate of Completion upon completion of all requisite learning materials and passing the prescribed assessments.
  • 1 - Certificate of Achievement

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings
    • Formal course assessment- Multiple Choice Questions/Self assessment 
  • 2 - Certificate of Completion

    Completion of:

    • Course notes/readings 
    • Course learning activities
  • 3 - Malaysian Microcredential Statement (MMS)
    • Malaysian Microcredential Statement (MMS)

What’s included

  • 8 Topics
  • Certificate
  • 3 Learning Outcomes
  • Instructor-Led
  • 4 Weeks Duration