About Us

About Us



The School of Professional, Executive Education and Development (SPEED) in collaboration with Asia e University (AeU) was established with the goal to upskill, eqipt with the latested knowledge for the 21st century executives. SPEED offers these training courses in the form of short courses, micro credentials as well as Pofessional in  various industries with the purpose to spur their career pogression. SPEED also provides courses in a variety of fields for self-improvement and general interests. In addition SPEED also  can tailor customised courses for  continuing professional development and specific competencies development. These tailor-made professional courses may be delivered by multi-national, multi-cultural faculty, through SPEED’s strategic alliances with local and international training partners.

ASIA e UNIVERSITY (AeU) https://aeu.edu.my/discover/the-university/

Asia e University (AeU) is a unique collaborative multinational university initiated by the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), a body established in 2002 to promote Asian cooperation at a continental level.

The University is established as a Malaysian initiative and prime mover to champion e-Education, affirmed at the ACD Foreign Ministerial Meetings in Islamabad (2005) and Doha (2006) and supported by 35 ACD member countries. AeU  collaborates with Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Training partners  in the ACD member countries to offer quality and affordable academic degree and professional training programmes.

As a spearheading institution of choice in the new wave digital learning, AeU is the major catalyst in promoting the Asia wide networks for cooperation in digital education today.
AeU acts as an facilitator and enabler for IHLs in Asia to collaborate on the development of academic degree and professional programmes thus leveraging on the resources and facilities of the partners






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The myeduskills is a digital learning platform developed by the School of Professional, Executive Education and Development (SPEED) in collaboration with Asia e University (AeU) that offers anywhere, anytime access to online courses from SPEED and its programme partners, including universities, institutions, corporations and industry partners. The short courses, micro credentials and professional courses on this learning platform are instructor-led or self-paced or a combination of both and aligned to close the gaps in various areas such as business, management, communication, education, training, digital technologies, IR 4.0, social sciences, humanities, religion and other critical areas.